Field Service Palm Springs 2022

Join us safely at Field Service Palm Springs! Youreka for Field Service Management will share demos and use cases live, in person.
  • 04/26/2022
  • 8:00am PT / 6:30pm PT
  • JW Marriott, Palm Springs, CA

About the Event

Field Service Palm Springs: The Conference for Leaders in Customer Success, Service & Support

Youreka for Field Service Management will share demos and use cases live, in-person.

Visit us at kiosk W5. Connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter throughout the show using hashtags #FSPS and #FSPS2022.

You're invited...

Thursday, 28 April | 9:40 am-10:00 am

Dan Bergner, Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, Youreka

A demonstration of ways to harvest and share knowledge across the workforce, closing the skills gap, and consistently elevating performance in the field. Attendees will hear about how to:

  • Capture real-time insights and actionable data for the frontline and back office
  • Reduce and de-risk site visits with real-time guided assistance
  • Accelerate worker onboarding with just-in-time knowledge
  • Empower field workers to recommend revenue opportunities while delivering service excellence

Why Youreka?

Youreka is the only solution that allows your team to go anywhere, online or offline powered by Salesforce Customer 360, and deliver next-generation service excellence.

Key Benefits

  • Capture real-time insights and actionable data for the frontline and back office
  • Reduce and de-risk site visits with real-time guided assistance
  • Empower field employees to recommend revenue opportunities
  • Accelerate knowledge transfer across your workforce
  • Attract next generation associates with AI smart assistance

Learn More about Youreka for Field Service Management Success.

Youreka: The Future of Field Work™

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