The Youreka Product

Putting knowledge to work through Salesforce-native mobile forms

How it works

1. Configure Templates
Scale enterprise expertise with
easy-to-use, drag-and-drop tools
2. Complete Forms

Easily execute from a mobile device, even offline.

3. Run Approvals & Analytics

Approve completed forms. Identify trends and patterns.

What if Enterprise Forms Management were easy?

Updating your organization’s paperwork far more difficult than it needs to be?
Deploy forms organization-wide in seconds– with just a click.

Build it fast.
Drag-and-drop template builder, custom styling, and template/question cloning for speed building
Stay in control.
Version control, managed templates, archiving, and easy deployment/updates.
Keep it in Salesforce.
Salesforce-native forms, Standard and Custom Objects, field links and linked sections within forms

Take action right away

Is your organization tripped up by urgent issues?
Automate workflows to ensure you never get caught flat-footed.

Keep things moving.

Configurable workflow, task management, generate PDFs, form lifecycle

Collaborate easily.

Automated approvals, audits, and reviews, collaborate on Chatter

Maintain an audit trail.

Onsite check-ins/outs, exif data, eSignature 

Capture and log complex data

How much do you know about what’s really happening on-site?
Reduce risk by capturing more information than ever before with a single tool

Work offline.

Complete processes offline, create and edit Salesforce records offline, and seamlessly sync to Salesforce when you reconnect

Capture it all.

24 question types, photo capture and mark-up, eSignature, Barcode and QR scan

Guide field employees in real time

How much do you know about what’s really happening on-site?
Reduce risk by capturing more information than ever before with a single tool

Upskill your technicians.

Build institutional knowledge into your forms with dynamic instruction, logic, next best actions, and tooltips

Flag errors and surface insights in real-time.

Conditional data validation, live formulas and calculations, Discoveries, image recognition and AI

Connect and centralize data silos

Do you struggle to report on disparate data and issues in a timely manner?
Eliminate the lag by updating your digital records directly from the field.

Report at scale.

Sync field data directly from Youreka to Salesforce, then use Salesforce dashboards, out-of-the-box ready-made reports, or custom reports in Salesforce.

Dive deep.

Fully configurable analytics, surface new insights with Einstein analytics, and export data for use in outside reporting.

Learn more about Youreka features

Have more specific questions about Youreka? Reach out to us directly or dive into our Technical Features Guide. 

Success with businesses like yours

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Youreka is proud to be a top Salesforce partner, working to complete the mobile workforce experience.