
Salesforce + Youreka Combo Accelerates Assessments, Enables Targeted Marketing
Flexco manufactures conveyor fastening systems, components, parts, and tools. They also offer customers a valuable maintenance service: detailed assessments of their conveyors in the field.
Youreka Expertise

The Challenge

Flexco was using a home-built application for field service inspections. The application had several frustrating deficiencies, including the inability to filter by use/type and quickly find specific parts. Service agents needed to scroll through as many as 70 pages to find part information, and as a result, the assessments were taking too long to complete.

The Solution

The new, more intuitive phone/tablet assessment tool, powered by Youreka, uses out-of-the-box functionality to manage account and asset info, guide the assessment process, enable filters (industry, application, light-duty vs. heavy-duty, part type/use, etc.), provide make/model info, and allow detailed descriptions of the issue and repair needed.

The Result

The result is more efficient and highly detailed assessments and the ability to perform more assessments per day. Perhaps most importantly, Flexco is able to gather accurate and up-to-date information on its products in the field, which it uses for targeted marketing campaigns that drive significant revenue growth.

Learn more about Youreka features

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