Whatfix: 16 Salesforce Integrations to Boost Productivity Across Your Organization

  • August 2, 2021
  • The Youreka Team

Last August, Whatfix released an article emphasizing the importance of working with Salesforce integrations to enhance the experience of mobile teams. They highlighted Youreka’s unique offline capabilities as one of many key features in enhancing the Salesforce experience:

Salesforce is a powerful tool, with native capabilities to help with almost every facet of the customer journey. But its basic features don’t always work seamlessly with the other tools your teams use. Fortunately, there are handy Salesforce integrations for every department to connect your email, social media, and other tools to Salesforce.

With hundreds of integrations to choose from, it can be hard to know which ones are best for your unique needs. That’s why we put together a list of 16 top Salesforce integrations, broken down by category. Salesforce will help you find applications that save time and ease your workflow across any department.

Data is a key piece of field service work but, when outdated, simple tasks can become onerous and cause major delays. Whatfix reiterates: “Sales representatives spend nearly two-thirds of their time on tasks other than selling. Salesforce integrations can help automate administrative and data organization tasks to free up sales reps to focus on selling.”

In the field, service teams and technicians use salesforce for many of the same functions: data collection, real-time implementation and workflows, communication, adjustments, and more. Youreka helps support field service teams by putting systems in place that enhance their ability to deliver these key deliverables – online or offline.

From the portion of the post about Youreka:

In the field, internet access may be spotty, and online loading times might be slow. Youreka boosts productivity by allowing field teams to access forms, surveys, and checklists offline.

The application offers multiple templates that make building forms fast and easy. These forms can be linked to fields within Salesforce, and Youreka automatically populates the documents with the correct, most up-to-date information. After the fieldwork is complete, employees can quickly and easily create and export reports, and store the data within Salesforce. Youreka is a Salesforce-native application, so it works quickly with little or no lag time.

Using Youreka, field teams can create and complete forms at scale and run analytics, build workflows, and more, all without leaving the comfort and security of the Salesforce environment. Easily build Salesforce-native forms, standard and custom objects, and implement version control using a drag-and-drop template builder that works both on and offline. Learn more about what Youreka can do for your team here.

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